Stream of sound Stream of light Dancing in a battle to the music of one's life Gentle touch of breath Eternal sense of flow Invincible desire Everlasting show Overwhelming pleasure Blissful peace inside Sensation caught in a moment Divinity of life
L’art de vivre
Connais toi connais ta passion Comprends la par tous les sens Désir le plus profond de ton âme transforme le corps en flamme Le Cœur palpite plus fort sensation plus cher que l'or Mouvement dynamique d'un esprit vers la vraie essence de la vie Seule mission de...
Le monde ne comprend pas on peut seulement sentir Écouter toucher ou voir voila c'est si facile N'importe quel talent n'importe quelle profession Il faut toujours un peu Le corps L'esprit Les mains
Dance of the soul
Free Your Center Dance to the music of Your Core Let it flow in every direction Expand Your Soul
My name is
Learn catchy accent know how to speak Figure out nickname complete your ID Get fancy tattoo improve your skin Make big impresion mission succeed Look in the mirror who do you see
You are
What a feeling would you be what a picture wish to see What kind of dreams you want to have in which you cry or rather laugh What is the scent you wish to smell i'll makes you feel like you're back there What are the words you choose to say the ones that last...
Le Portrait
Qu'est – ce que tu es le monde te regarde Dis la vérité soyez plus bavard Ni commencement ni fin tout ce que je sais Mon seul nom la beauté incarne
Experience is all you got Be smart and grab the chance be bold and take a shot More is never enough That's the beauty of process that's the beauty of life
How can you know what's there for you Wants to show up wants to be yours What makes you think there is a lack You haven't yet seen all the world's stock This very thing you're scared to ask 'Am I worthy to have abundance that lasts' Allow every source...